The Bogen Newsletter

April 2010


Museums and the Web 2010, Denver, CO: Stranded Europeans Meeting
Museums and the Web 2010, Denver, CO: Stranded Europeans und Conference Organizers David Bearman und Jennifer Trant
Museums and the Web 2010, Denver, CO: Hosting Opportunities
Museums and the Web 2010, Denver, CO: Working Opportunities
L-Soft Dinner at Bayou Bob's, Denver
April 18, 2010: Denver - Rocky Mountains - Colorado Springs - Denver, 30° Fahrenheit, 400+ Meilen, bis auf 9.900 Feet
Rocky Mountains
Rocky Mountains
Nelson Chen, L-Soft Inc.
Big Horn Sheep Valley
Denver International Airport: Normalbetrieb
2008: Golf von Mexico, Fort Walton Beach, FL


Letzte Aktualisierung: 02.05.2010